February 03, 2011


HB Ibu ;) 41 sudaa. semoga bahagia selalu dan d murah kn rezeki. superlike photo ni ;) candid tp terpndng cam, cmne tuu. Hurmm. bhy laa pic ni, tk mcm muka mak org. HAHA

Hurmmm. 3feb. aku mula merindui kau semula, Huh. msj dan kau tk bls. busy sgt ke, aku slalu bkk profile fb kau. kalau boleh aku nk jehit kt dunia ni y aku rndu kau sgt! tp aku tk berdaya. smpi bila la aku nk jd cmni. ugh!! sedih sgt. HUUUUI. apa nii, enough2! bersambung ..

td g mkn dkt Raw, umm apa tahh. dlm tuu rmi org Arab(pekerja, pelanggang, pelayan, pemakan, pemasak, penyapu. ehh) jehh. ayh dan akuh mkn Lamb Mandy, Birthdy Mommy mkn Chicken Mandy. sedap! tp nk tercekik waktu mkn, tk ad sup kot. Haha. lps tuu, g wangsa walk. semata mata nk g minum sbb tercekik. Hebat kn family akuu ni ;) Haha. adikk kuhh ! ;( tp, akuhh tk sempat nk bli Hadiah. hurmm. tk apa laa, kali ni sj

td, mcm2 aku buat, tk sangka uhh si dia. AKU PN NK BERUBAH !! nk jd lbh Blueo. Haha. i'm just envying you people. i want to be the best among the best too. well, to tell you the truth i'm too lazy for that. all i can do is say this and that, but no action. Huh!! ok ok, i know action speak louder than words. i just need the right steps and the right wayy to ... (Hurmm.)

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