March 16, 2011


aku menangis di depan kau tanpa kau sedari. mmg la, dah kau tidur berdengkur. Haha ;) heeei, i was watching at the door just now, like i always did !  :'(   Huh. time goes by so fast, right ? & things come and go without we realising. nvrmnd, i know this time would come ;) seriously, i'm totolly frustrated right now. all i can say is, be strong Sharfexx !

aku semakin lama semakin merindui rumahh. aku rindu nk hangout kt Suriaaa. tgk kolam air y boleh menenangkn jika dilihat. W.W ! Superstarr karoke. online in my lil room. and semuaa la. Ayahh Ibu. dan y sewaktu dgnnya. Uptwn. inilahh cabaran aku y perlu aku hadapi. bkn aku sorng sj dlm dunia ni y tgh Homesick ! so don't be selfish Sharfexx.

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